Who we are: An expert group of “Digital Consumer Insights”
We are a strategic planning expert group with deep knowledge of “Digital Consumer Insights” in the fast-moving digital environment in Asia Pacific countries and Japan. [m]Digital, our team’s name, stands for our fundamental interest in the socio-economic impact of Digital technology on [m]anagement, [m]arketing and [m]ankind. We conduct academic and pragmatic research on consumer insights especially in the fast-moving digital environment and also offers innovative data analytics and user research solutions for various “wicked problems” based on robust academic research and the deep understanding of digital technologies.
Representative: Masao KAKIHARA (柿原 正郎)
Masao Kakihara, currently Professor at School of Management, Tokyo University of Science, is an expert of data analytics and user insights research. Previously, he worked at Google for 10 years in Tokyo and Singapore offices, leading a variety of large-scale research projects on consumer behavior and user insights for Google’s consumer products across the Asia-Pacific countries. Before that, he held several researcher roles including Senior Researcher at Yahoo! Japan Research, Associate Professor at Kwnasei Gakuin University, Adjunct Faculty at Singapore Management University, etc. Currently based in Tokyo, he conducts research on data analytics and digital marketing and also offers consulting and advisory services to various global companies. He holds BA in Economics from Kwansei Gakuin University, and MSc and Ph.D. in Information Systems from the London School of Economics.
代表の柿原正郎は、現在東京理科大学経営学部国際デザイン経営学科(IDM)の教授として、データ分析やデジタルマーケティングに関する教育研究活動に携わっています。東京理科大学着任前は、Googleの東京オフィスとシンガポールオフィスに計10年以上勤務し、日本およびアジアパシフィック地域における各種のユーザー行動分析やマーケットリサーチを率いていました。それ以前は、Yahoo! Japanの基礎研究部門(Yahoo! Japan研究所)の研究員、関西学院大学商学部准教授、シンガポール経営大学特任教員などを歴任しました。こうした実務経験と学術研究の蓄積をベースに、デジタル環境における消費者やユーザーの理解に課題を抱えているさまざまな企業と共同研究プロジェクトの実施やアドバイザリー業務の提供もおこなっています。関西学院大学経済学部卒業、ロンドン・スクール・オブ・エコノミクス博士課程終了(Ph.D. in Information Systems)。